-=AOLamer Protection=- v1.0 by FrEnZiE ******************************************************** **This Script is made for mIRC 5.0. It will scan the channel for AOLamers (From American OnLine). If this script finds any AOLamers you have the option of kicking them.** ******************************************************** [Raw] #aol off raw 352:* { if (aol isin $parm4) { inc %aols | %aoldisplay 1 %aols $+ :4 $+ $parm6 6( $+ $parm4 $+ ) | if %aolkick == on { kick $active $parm6 4AOLamer 6Kick ! 12-=6AOLamer 10Protection12=- 1v1.0 4by FrEnZiE } } raw 315:* { %aoldisplay 12Total 6AOLamers 10: %aols %aoldisplay 4End 6Of 12AOLamer 4list 6for12 $parm1 %aoldisplay 12-=6AOLamer 10Protection12=- 1v1.0 4by FrEnZiE disable #aol unset %aols } #aol end [Popups] &AOLScan:/aolscan [Aliases] /aolscan { set %aolchan $$?="Enter Channel" set %aoldisplay $$?="Echo or Msg AOL Scan?" if %aoldisplay == echo { set %aoldisplay echo %aolchan } if %aoldisplay == msg { set %aoldisplay msg %aolchan } set %aolkick $$?="AOLamer Kick On/Off?" enable #aol %aoldisplay 4AOLamer 6List 12for4 %aolchan who %aolchan } ******************************************************** FrEnZiE ********************************************************